You have found the page to choose your 12 Days of Knitting Knito Card. Yay!It is super easy. Let me know your first name and which email address you want me to send the Card to pick a number between 1 and 6 Check your email and click on the button in the email to...
Kitting General
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter J
Knitting words that begin with the letter i. This part of a comprehensive knitting dictionary includes words like i-cord, intarsia and inlay.
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter I
Knitting words that begin with the letter i. This part of a comprehensive knitting dictionary includes words like i-cord, intarsia and inlay.
Things Non-Knitters Say and How to Respond
You know people will say these things, think through how you will respond to these delightful comments beforehand so that you are prepared. You can read the post or listen to the blog here (note: the audio is AI generated, so may not be perfect). Things Non-Knitters...
5 Knitting Superstitions That Don’t Need To Scare You Anymore
Superstitions are everywhere. What knitting superstitions have you heard? Which ones do you believe? Some defy explanation and others are borne from a nugget of truth. Either way, if you believe in these superstitions (or should I say, superstitch-tions?),...
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter H
Knitting words that begin with the letter E. This is just one part of a comprehensive knitting dictionary of terms knitters want to know. Words include ease, edges, edging, end, entrelac and errata.
Gift Giving Journal for Knitters: Finish on time, with ease
Do you have lots of knitted gift ideas, but always end up knitting late into the night or giving “Knitting IOUs” instead of the beautiful hand-knit creations you imagined? This post can help by outlining how to start your own gift giving journal. Just after the...
Long Tail Cast On: How Much Yarn Do I Need and What if I Run Out of Yarn
We've all been there. You carefully measure the long tail for your long tail cast on or any of its cousins (eg. Twisted German or Old Norwegian cast on, etc) and you run out of yarn with just a few stitches left to go. What do you do? Actually, you have a number of...
When You Run Out of People to Knit For
You LOVE to knit. You have a huge stash. But . . . you've run out of people to knit for. What now? You have several options and I cover a few of them below. Some ideas are very run of the mill while others are less so. Click on any section title to jump directly...
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter G
Knitting words that begin with the letter E. This is just one part of a comprehensive knitting dictionary of terms knitters want to know. Words include ease, edges, edging, end, entrelac and errata.
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter F
Knitting words that begin with the letter F. This is just one part of a comprehensive knitting dictionary of terms knitters want to know.
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter E
Knitting words that begin with the letter E. This is just one part of a comprehensive knitting dictionary of terms knitters want to know. Words include ease, edges, edging, end, entrelac and errata.
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter D
A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter D is part of a series of posts that will eventually make up the Complete Knitting Dictionary a comprehensive knitter’s resource! Danish hen knitting (see hen knitting) decrease A manipulation of stitches that reduces the number of...
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter C
A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter C is the another in a series of posts that will eventually make up the Complete Knitting Dictionary a comprehensive knitter's resource! This post contains affiliate links, if you purchase items through my links I earn a commission...
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter B
A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter B is the second in a series of posts that will eventually make up the Complete Knitting Dictionary a comprehensive knitter's resource of knitting words! This post contains affiliate links, if you purchase items through my links I earn...
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary
Trying to find out what a knitting term means? Check out the online knitting dictionary with A to Z answers to “what does this mean?”
Where to Get Yarn and Knitting Supplies During the Covid-19 Lock Downs
As more and more jurisdictions close all physical non-essential businesses due to Covid-19, knitting supplies are hard to find. Knitters and people who want to learn to knit, may find themselves with lots of time on their hands but in need of knitting supplies. They...
The Secret Language of Knitting: A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter A
A Knitting Dictionary—The Letter A is the first in a series of posts that will eventually make up the Complete Knitting Dictionary. Right now, it's part of the "Incomplete Knitting's Dictionary", but stay tuned . . .. To get to the other posts of this series, go to...
Christmas Carol for Knitters: Finished Size is Based on Your Gauge
It is the holiday season! And no matter what holidays you celebrate or don’t celebrate, you cannot help but be inundated with Christmas carols. As someone who loves to knit, I am proposing a new tradition of Knitter’s carols. Come carolling with my husband and me with...
Fiber Community Fund: An Interview with Founder Sultan Alrasheed
When I first met Sultan Alrasheed, founder of the Fiber Community Fund and by met, I mean on Zoom, I was totally entranced by this engaging, personable and kind man. It was an excellent start to my very first interview for this blog. Talking with Sultan was like...
Going Postal Wrap: The Story Behind the People
You see a gorgeous pattern, a lovely model rocking the gorgeous knitwear. You click download and you are off. . .. Like most of us, even those who create patterns on a regular basis, you may not think about the many people who have contributed their time, effort and...
Going Postal Wrap: The Story Behind the Name
This design for this wrap started with the yarn as do so many designs. My delightful introduction to Blue Mule Fibers A designer friend suggested Blue Mule Fiber's beautiful yarn. She was right. I went to their website and fell in love with the Lonesome Dove colourway...
Stop Doing List for Knitters: 9 ways to enjoy your knitting more!
Stop doing things that drain the joy out of knitting. The less we do of these, the more joyful our knitting is and the better off we are as knitters. You've spent weeks knitting the perfect sweater, but when you try it on it hangs shapelessly off your shoulders and...
This is Not a Shetland Shawl
This shawl is not a Shetland shawl.
This shawl does not use any mosaic knitting in it
I know, I know.
Why the heck did I call it Shetland Mosaic . . .
Shetland Knitting: Delicate Lace in a Rugged Landscape
Imagine pulling a whole shawl through an average woman’s wedding ring. Imagine intricate lace unfurling as the shawl is released from the constriction of the ring.
How to Do a Centred Double Decrease on the Purl Side: 4 Variations
Learn to do the centred double decrease on the purl side row with 4 variations!
New yarn: How does it feel? Watch and find out.
Have you ever wondered how your yarn feels? Or perhaps what it gets up to when you are looking? Here is a glimpse into one of the possibilities.
Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about the Long Tail Cast On This video shows how to do the long tail cast on. First is a very quick refresher for those who already know how to do it, followed by an in-depth discussion of how to do the long tail cast on effectively. In Brief Leave a...
Random Lace
Over the last year or so, I have become interested in random lace, that is lace knitted without a planned sequence of stitches. I have a couple of random lace projects on the go. One, I started months ago, where I did a yo and accompanying k2tog every time any...