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What kind of knitter are you?
Have you ever wondered what kind of knitter you might be? This is your chance to find out!

Less than 1 time a week.

1-2 times a week.

3 -5 times a week.

6 to 7 times a week.

8 to 14 times a week.

14-427 times a week.
You win a $300 gift certificate to the yarn store and you have to spend it all in one trip. What do you buy?

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Enough luxury yarn for an oversized sweater.

Enough budget yarn to last for the next several years.

One or two skeins each of the coolest hand dyed yarns in the store.
How many browser tabs do you have open right now?

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1. Why would anyone ever want to have more brower tabs open?

2-4. Sometimes I like to keep a brower tab open while I check something else.

5-10. I like to compare several things at the same time.

11-25. I like to use the tabs to remind me to do things.

26+ If I close any of the tabs, I will never find it again!
You find out your neighbour is having baby. What do you do?

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Get excited beacuse it is the perfect excuse to start a new project. You drop everything and start looking for new patterns and start shopping for new yarn!

Grab yarn from your stash and start knitting your go-to baby blanket pattern.

Note the due date and figure out how quickly you need to finish your current project so that you can start knitting a blanket.

Consider your neighbours' taste and decor and start knitting the perfect baby blanket to fit.
When I get stuck in my knitting, it is usually because . . .

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I don't know enough techniques.

I am not comfortable reading my knitting and fixing it.

I don't have enough support when I am trying to figure something out.

I go to look something up and end up caught in the internet, not surfacing for hours and not knowing if I have the correct information.
You just printed 50 copies of your annual family update letter and you notice a typo. You called your cat Camero instead of Camaro. What do you do?

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Correct the cat's name on the original document and reprint it. It would be wrong to send it out even if no one would notice.

Change the "e" to an "a" on every copy by hand.

Just leave it and mail it out as is. No one will notice it anyway.

Set the letters aside to work on later and then find them next year as you prepare to send out next's year's letter.

Rename your cat.
Your newest project calls for a 6 mm (US 10) needle, so you . . .

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Hunt through your projects on the needles to find something you can transfer to waste yarn so that you can free up one of your many sets of 6 mm needles.

Go shop for a 6 mm needle because you know you haven't made a project with them before.

Quickly finish one of the projects that are already on a 6 mm needle so that you can start the new project.

Reach into your vase of beautifully arranged needles and pick out the perfect needles.
What is the very best thing about knitting?

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The social apects.

I get to play and experiment!

I get to create beautiful things with beautiful yarn!

It is calming and helps me to center myself!

I get to make make the world a better place, one knitted gift at a time!

I get to see a project through, from beginning to end, while eagerly anticiapting the next project.
Almost there...
Where can I send your results?
You are a Zen Knitter

You use your knitting to achieve a sense of calm. You don't really care what you are knitting, as long as you are knitting and can remain focused on the stitches you are creating. Your stash of yarn is clearly and beautifully organized.
Come and join our Facebook group, A Close Knit Community. Save the image above (right click and choose Save Image As . . .) then upload it to the group and share your results with the other members!
Come and join our Facebook group, A Close Knit Community. Save the image above (right click and choose Save Image As . . .) then upload it to the group and share your results with the other members!
You are a Busy Bee Knitter

You love to do all the things: to flit from one project, one technique, one yarn to another and another and another! You’ve tried just about every technique that you can find and have started projects with almost every one of them. You have a massive stash of yarns, ideas and projects in your queue.
Come and join our Facebook group, A Close Knit Community. Save the image above (right click and choose Save Image As . . .) then upload it to the group and share your results with the other members!
Come and join our Facebook group, A Close Knit Community. Save the image above (right click and choose Save Image As . . .) then upload it to the group and share your results with the other members!
You are a Productive Knitter

You are a productive knitter. You love to knit and you knit for your family, friends, pets and lucky strangers. You finish many projects and while you would love to sit and look at piles of all the things you have knit over time, the knits never stay long enough. You give them away as quickly as you knit them!
Come and join our Facebook group, A Close Knit Community. Save the image above (right click and choose Save Image As . . .) then upload it to the group and share your results with the other members!
Come and join our Facebook group, A Close Knit Community. Save the image above (right click and choose Save Image As . . .) then upload it to the group and share your results with the other members!
You are a Monogamous Knitter

You love to work on one project at a time and don't understand the knitters who talk about WIPs and UFOs and PIGs and huge stashes. You have your one project you are working on and you thoroughly enjoy it. When you finish this project, you look forward to selecting your next pattern and the yarn to knit it with.
Come and join our Facebook group, A Close Knit Community. Save the image above (right click and choose Save Image As . . .) then upload it to the group and share your results with the other members!
Come and join our Facebook group, A Close Knit Community. Save the image above (right click and choose Save Image As . . .) then upload it to the group and share your results with the other members!