
Congratulations! Being a Zen Knitter is an wonderful thing. For Zen Knitters, how their knitting tools and accessories look and feel is of vital importance.

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You use your knitting to achieve a sense of calm. What you are knitting is not nearly as important as that you are knitting and can remain focused on the stitches you are creating. Your stash of yarn and your knitting tools are clearly and beautifully organized. 

Here is a list of beautiful items specially chosen for the Zen Knitter!
Use this shopping list for yourself, or send a link to this page to your loved ones so they can shower you with the perfect gifts.

Perfect yarns for the Zen Knitter

These yarns are particularly lustrous and feel especially wonderful. You will love working with these yarns as you create beautiful knitted masterpieces.

Fabulous Tools for Zen Knitters

These beautiful and very useful knitting tools will look beautiful in your home and will help you finish off your knitted projects with a special finesse!

The best knitting tools and materials for the other knitting personality types

Each knitting personality type is drawn by slightly different knitting tools and accessories. To find an ideal shopping list for each kind of knitter, check these posts:

If you don’t know your knitting personality type yet

If you want to know which knitting personality type you are, you can take the “What kind of knitter are you?” quiz and find out!

This entry was posted in General.

What kind of knitter are you?
Find out!