This List is Based on Recommendations
This post will get updated regularly during the crisis with independent yarn and other knitting suppliers (spinners, dyers, knitting needle producers, etc) that are still open for business during all the shut-downs. These are almost all recommendations from others.
If laws in your area prohibit ordering this way, please follow those laws. I am not suggesting anyone break lockdown. Some jurisdictions allow shipping of non-essential goods at this time, but that may change. Please be safe, healthy and law-abiding!
If you are a supplier that is still shipping or otherwise open, please fill out the Knitting Supplies During Covid-19 information form so I can include you.
I have not vetted most of these providers, nor will I be keeping tabs to see if they continue operating as things move forward. I have asked each supplier to me up to date and will update with information they send.. If you find that the situation has changed with any of these providers, please use the Contact Us page to let me know.
Who Still Sells Knitting Supplies (Covid-19)?
This list is in no particular order:
Simply Sock Yarn
We are an online yarn shop currently shipping 6 days a week all over the world from our little shop/warehouse in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Orders can be placed on
We offer free US shipping with a $100 order and otherwise $6 to US addresses. We also offer flat rate for outside the US.
We carry over 16 tons of yarn, so we have a lot to offer. We are currently not open to in-person shopping but will be again once the public health crisis is over. Til then, just shipping only.
We may offer deals and sales throughout this time and those offers will be written about on our blog at
Lovely Yarns
Melissa Salzman
Baltimore City, MD, USA
We ship anywhere in the US.
We can offer free delivery service within 2 miles of the shop and you can always place an order over the phone for pick-up.
We love putting together surprise packages for you too! Just give us your budget and some guidance and we will send you a super fun care package!
Ms. Pamela Originals
I’m in Logan Utah, US
All orders over $35 going to United States addresses get free shipping.
I will continue to dye yarn and sell it through my online shop for as long as I can. As long as I can get the bare yarn and the post office is still shipping packages, then I will be in business!
Ship via USPS (the United States Postal Service) worldwide!
Ranching Tradition Fiber
Kami Noyes
Whitehall, Montana, USA
Yarns in the Farms
Beverly, Massachusetts, United States
Yarn (focused on natural fibers), needles, hooks, books, notions
Shipping: US Domestic, via USPS priority
Free shipping over $50 – ending when normal business operations resume.
Fuzzy Goat
Cadence Kidwell
Thomasville, GA, USA
We provide whimsy & delight in the form of yarn, project kits & support.
Shipping to the US
Virtual and text shopping is our current jam.
Un Besito Fiber
Diana Vincent
McHenry, Illinois, US
Hand dyed yarn
Shipping via USPS to US8
Free shipping until May 1st, and many skeins are last of their colorway & are on clearance.
For anyone who has ever wanted to learn to knit, here is your opportunity!
Magda’s Note: I teach Become a Knitter (an online, Learn to knit class). Go to for more information!
Yarn Patch
Heather McClellan
Crossville, TN, US
Knitting, crochet, spinning & weaving supplies
USPS to US and Canada
We offer curbside pickup and will drop off within a 20 mile radius. As always people can call to order as well as use our website. We’re doing sign-ups for our Mystery crochet along until April 4.
March Yarns
Cindy Edmonds
Colac, Victoria, Australia
Knitting and crochet yarn and supplies
Shipping: Australia wide, via Australia Post
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK
Yarns, Wools, patterns, buttons, needles, hooks etc
Shipping Worldwide
10% off with code MARCHHARE (expires end of March)
Fiber Creek
Anna Sue
Prescott, Arizona, USA
Yarn roving needles notions for weaving knitting crochet and felting
Shipping: Within the US
40% off all wooladdicts by Lang and daily Facebook deals
Fiber Basket
Lenore Koczon
Minot, North Dakota, USA
We carry Cascade and Plymouth yarns, Artyarns, Maos del Uruguay, Mountain Meadow Wool, and Joyful Spirit Yarns. We have a wide selection of Knitter’s Pride needles and hooks, ChiaoGoo needles, and Prym Ergo needles and hooks in stock as well as many knitting and crochet accessories.
We can ship anywhere in the US
Email or message us on Facebook for up-to-date availability. Currently offering flat $5 shipping in North Dakota
Marianated Yarns
Marian Ju-Scozzare
Edison, NJ, USA
Hand dyed yarn
Ship to: US and Canada
Free shipping in the US probably through the end of summer
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
We sell yarn, knitting and crocheting supplies, fabric, sewing notions and patterns, embroidery supplies and kits, felting supplies and kits, sashiko kits and supplies, weaving yarns and notions, and books for all of our crafts. We also just started selling Temari kits!
Our online store is open and we’re also taking phone and email orders. We ship worldwide.
We’re having a 20% off sale for everything in our shop for the entirety of this. All non-essential businesses are closed in Ontario and we will likely run it for the duration of that shut down.
Paulette Meijer
Niantic, Connecticut, US
Yarn, knit and crochet accessories, project bags, etc.
USPS, UPS. Ship internationally. Free shipping US,
Weekly live show on Facebook featuring yarns and tips, Ray of Sunshine Mystery Bags, Click N Knit (live virtual knitting instruction).
Llama Llama Ding Dong Yarn
Yax & Roollamallamadingdong@l2d2yarn.comPalos Heights, IL, USWe still do curbside pickup for anyone that is interested in doing a quick pickup. We ship to everyone within the US and have free shipping with $75 purchase.
We sell yarn, needles, project bags by local makers RMR and Stash-ems Mark-ems, other notions i.e. stitch markers, needle protectors, etc.
We have a variety of yarns and carry independent dyers: ND Yarns, Lola Bean Yarn Co., Stitch Together, and Adelaide Fiber Co.
We also conduct virtual “Stitch Togethers” at our regular knit/crochet/spinning times on Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Anyone can join these as long as they contact us and express their interest in attending.
Nicole Snow
nicole@darngoodyarn.comClifton Park, New York, US
We are shipping world wide
“50% off sock yarn bundles –
bundle and save deals –”